
Write a story where a character wants something right away.

It could be a loan, a parking space, to get a piece of dental floss out of their teeth.

Runaway Love Story

The test scores were out and I just couldn’t wait to show Elizabeth that I would be able to get into that high tech school with her. Well if I passed. I ran to the office and asked to get it before they were handed out by the teachers, they agreed to help me.

I made it, I passed. I wanted to tell Elizabeth fast, I wanted her to know right away so she wouldn’t have any doubts. I ran to her house, but it was empty. I texted her, but she didn’t pick up.

So I went to my friends house, Chris. He failed, it took a lot to pass the test and I didn’t think he’d pass. I told him about Elizabeth’s strange disappearance, he looked at me funny. What he said made me want to rip my heart out.

“Her family sent her away because she failed the test.” I had spent my entire school year studying hard, making my own study guides because she was super smart. She was obviously going to get in and I wanted to go with her. I didn’t understand. Chris knew immediately what happened, he told my parents, but they expected me to go to the school. Depressed or not. Elizabeth was gone and my shot was blown out of the waters.

It’s been a few years and I decided to open my own kitchen, we’ve become pretty popular. Billiards and commercials. I’ve seen a lot of T.V. Stars pop up around a few times so it was normal. But then one day my world turned upside down.

“Table for one, Lucas,” I turned to look at the woman. Her voice like violins playing in harmony to a small drum by the snare that rose into a chaos of trumpets and French horns. Her face was still as it looked years ago, perfect like a flower bed. Dark shades of red flooded her cheeks like a damn broke. She came quick with a hug. “I’ve missed you.” I didn’t know what to do, I just stared. The woman I loved, Elizabeth was back. Had fate taken her to my restaurant? It didn’t matter she was here. “I came as soon as I saw your commercial. I flew here from California. Lucas?”

“Elizabeth, I love you.” Her eyes popped then grew soft and tender and she drew me in close for a lingering kiss.

“I love you too.” I never let her go again and we were married. Happily ever after.

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