The shattered glass and broken furniture scattered everywhere gave the impression that a tornado had passed through, but it was something much worse.
Write a story explaining what has really happened in this scene.
No Happy Endings
*I know this story is overly dramatic so if it is offensive to you, just keep it to yourself pls*
The shattered glass and broken furniture in the apartment gave the impression that a tornado had passed through, but it was actually something much worse.
"Ring ring ring" Oliver's phone began buzzing as he sat in his girlfriend's apartment, eating. "Oliver," the voice said, "I'm just letting you know that I don't want to be with you anymore. I've gotten back together with Mason. Take your things and leave my apartment."
At this he flew into a rage. Taking a mirror, he smashed it to the ground. Why did everyone have to leave him like this? Was he not good enough? Well, his cheating girlfriend would get what she deserved, he thought as he brought a beautiful piece of arkwork crashing to the floor.
With exclamations of rage and fury he began crashing every mirror, picture, and piece of furniture in the room all into one heap of destruction, not stopping until he had finished the destroying the entire apartment.
Thirty minutes later, and he stood in the middle of the apartment, a smile of satisfaction creeping across his broad face. But he was angry no longer. He felt a totally different emotion now. He was numb... broken.
Feeling nothing any longer, he walked into his former bedroom, gathered his few things, and disappeared out the door into the gathering dusk.
As he walked along and the brisk air touched his cheeks, he began to think. What was wrong with him? Was he unlovable? It was bad enough that his parents had thrown him out of the house when he turned eighteen. Now, he had experienced the pain of betrayal what, 10 times? Why couldn't he have his happily ever after? Why must every girl leave him for someone else?
No, he was too messed up to have a happy life, he thought. And why must he live a horrible and miserable existence? He decided, he would not. Racing to the bridge right ahead, he climbed the railing and plunged in. There would be no happy endings for him.