Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
Summer Camp
Amelia entered the cabin door and saw all of the bunk beds. The girls in the cabin spoke rapidly and excitedly, they hadn’t seen each other since last summer. She could hear laughter, squeals, and even low whispering. Her daze was broken when her friend Emily wrapped her in a huge hug, the force shifted her weight and she felt uneven. You are finally here, shrieked Emily, I missed you so much, hurry up and get unpacked, I picked a bunk for us. Amelia smiled and followed Emily, saying hi and giving hugs to other girls as she walked through the cabin. She set her duffle bag on the bottom bunk. She always preferred the bottom bunk. It was safer, and closer to the bathroom. Emily showed Amelia her made up bed and that’s when she saw it. Wait, you brought your blankey? Amelia whispered to Emily. Yah of course, I wasn’t going to leave it at home all summer, Emily replied. Amanda knew she made a mistake. Why did she question herself when she was packing? She kept going back and forth, throwing her own blankey in and out of her duffle. The very blankey that had been by her side the last 12 years. In the end she decided to leave it, she didn’t have the confidence to take it with her, she was sure the other girls would laugh at her and call her a baby. She left the blanket behind because she was no longer a baby who needed a blankey, she was turning 13 this summer. Amanda felt sick to her stomach, she knew she should have brought it. Why did she question herself? Why couldn’t she be confident and assured like Emily. Maybe she would call her Mom and ask her to mail it to camp.