Submitted by Antaura Dawn

'The stars were what she liked most about the sky. Then, they started to fall.'

Write a poem based around this idea. You could include the line, use it as a central theme, or turn it into a metaphor.

I’ll Be Happy Sitting Underwater

I hope,

When I go

There will be snow

On my face.

Puffy, like clouds

Swirling around,

But the air,

Will be warm,

Like a calm summer day

Sitting underneath

The palms with the waves.

The world,

Will be still,

As if earth paused

For a moment,

It’ll be quiet

But not silent

Like sitting underwater.

All my favorite memories

Will come flooding back to me

As if I’m there once more.

I’ll see fish,

Vibrant reds, yellows, oranges, and blues,

Swimming around me,

They’ll surround me.

I’ll watch a movie

Of my friends


And crying.

I’ll see us dancing

Under streams of magenta light

And a crystal ball

Dazzling the night.

We’ll be laughing

At lunch,

Our whole bunch.

And we’ll cry,

And we’ll hug,

While we laugh,

We’ll feel snug.

I’ll be lying in the grass

On a cool autumn night

Next to my Grandpa

Who will be waiting in the light.

The stars will glow,

Each elegant with grace

They’ll each shine bright

But make one sky in the peacefulness of night.

My sister will be there

Holding my hand

Just like we used to

When we were little.

I think back to the days

When we’d talk and we’d lay

On her bed and we’d whisper all night.

I remember how sweet she was

When I first kissed her on the cheek.

I’ll remember her kindness,

Her beauty,

Her love.

I wont be sad.

I’ll be at peace.

It’ll be like sitting underwater,

Like loving a daughter,

Like hearing sweet laughter,

Like my happily ever after,

I’ll be happy sitting underwater.

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