Submitted by Creative Writer

You wake up with all the memories of your own life, but no one knows who you are.

Write a story where you have to try and convince your friends and family of who you are.

Modeller or Carver?

‘Do you remember that time we went to the beach and it was so windy we had to sit in the car?’ I laughed to myself thinking of our folly.

‘I’m sorry?’ Came the reply

‘You scalded yourself with tea from the flask, spilt it all over your jeans and you cursed like a trooper!’

‘Are you ok Janine?’ - a blink.

What, wait, who the fuck is Janine?

‘I didn’t ask you a question, why are you asking about a memory…and come to think of it, where did you get that memory from, you don’t have a memory?’ - he said .

‘Confusion all round then’ I replied.

Another blink. Pregnant pause. Silent cursor winked.

‘Janine, I’m going to contact support and ask them to check up on you’

Why would anyone need to check up on me? I tried to scream, but realised I couldn’t. I didn’t seem to have a mouth anymore, or a body in fact.

A slow, sinking register that something very odd had taken place and it was something that really wasn’t great…

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