The Question


James was just a few minutes away from asking the most important question in his life.

He checked his phone:

3:25 pm

For him, the day had been longer than usual. His heart hammered against his chest.

Christine was there in front of him.

Her beautiful blond curls falling over her shoulders. The yellow muffler wrapped around her neck. The muffler he had gifted her.

“What’s wrong?” She smiled at him. The afternoon sunlight poured over them, just like every other golden trees in the park.

“Nothing” He smiled. But his palms were sweaty.

HE was sweaty.

“You can do this. You’ve prepared.” James thought, attempting to drown out the tide of panic that said:

“What if she says NO?”

His grip tightened around his little ring box.

Christine walked ahead. The autumn winds blew. Someone’s Golden Retriever barked as it ran beneath their legs. The chirpings of gold finches filled the park.

Christine laughed as she closed her eyes, letting the cold air rush into her lungs.

She loved the park. She loved autumn.

She technically loved anything yellow.

…….but did she really love him?

James’s nervousness was just like a bunch of swarming bees, buzzing with every imaginable kind of ‘what ifs’

Christine stopped, admiring the beauty

This was his chance.

“Christine…” his heart was crawling into his throat…

“Yeah?” She turned around, her amber eyes reflecting the light.

“You— My life— I—”

He was messing up his lines again.

She blinked, probably wondering what language he was speaking.

But then:

“Christine Elise…” James reached his pocket for the box.

A deep breathe, “I wish I could give you everything…”

He got down to his knee.

Christine’s eyes widened.

“But I hope…” He pulled out the box.

Her hands flew to her mouth.

“…that this ring is enough.”

The box opened.

The gold ring revealed itself.

Tears brimmed Christine’s amber eyes. James couldn’t help but give out a laugh.

At that moment.

Right there,

right then.

All his doubts,

all his fears vanished.

He smiled, because he knew her answer even before she chocked out the word.

Yet he proceeded:

“Will you marry me?”


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