Submitted by Celaid Degante
Write about a character leaving something, or someone, they love.
The Last Goodbye
I started throwing clothes into my duffle bag, holding back tears soon to come. He grabbed my arm with a jerk, forcing me to meet his forrest green eyes. I always hated those eyes. I hated how every time I looked into them it was like nothing else in the world mattered except us two. They always reminded me of a beautiful forrest, and now I’ll never be able to look at nature the same way.
“What are you doing?” Jack asked. It was more of a demand than a question.
“I’m packing.”
“I can see that. What are you doing?”
I didn’t have the heart to answer. How can you tell someone you have loved your whole life that you can’t be with them?
I saw the realization hit his face as he said, “I can’t believe it. After all that’s happened, you‘re just leaving again. Were you even going to tell me at all?” His voice was filled with more hurt than anger.
“You know why I have to leave. It’s for your own protection, Jack. If the King finds us together he’ll kill me, and do even worse to you!” I wanted him to understand. Wanted him to realize that Aristocrats and King’s sons don’t get to live a happily ever after.
“I don’t care what my father says, I’ll make sure nothing like that ever happens to you Haze! We can run away together. Live a life out in the country, away from this hellish place!”
“But if your father finds us he could kill you!”
“Not being with you kills me more. I don’t care the risks. I just…”
His eyes spoke more than words, pleading with me to stay. I still couldn’t believe this was once the annoying boy who would sneak out at night with me to play by the river. I never knew how he did it, but he told me he tricked the guards at the palace by stuffing pillows under his sheets to look like him. He said he even recorded the sound of his brother snoaring to make it more “realistic.” But the truth is that we’re not the same kids we once were. He’s going to be king, and I’m the enemy assigned to kill. No matter how much I want to say nothing matters, and we can run away together, live a life on our own, I know that’s not true. Even if all I want is for him to wrap his arms around me again, and tell me everything’s ok, I know it’s not. I know what I have to do. Even if it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done before.
I took his hands and looked into those dark green eyes once last time. Memorizing the small flecks of gold scattered around it.
“Goodbye Jack.”
I let go of his hands as our fingers slowly brushed off.
I walked away and told myself I wouldn’t look back, but my body refused to listen. One last glance at him forced the small sob I was holding back to break free. His face was unreadable. I could see a mix of confusion, anger, sadness, pleading. But above all was hurt. I told myself I would never let anything hurt this boy, and yet here I am. Hurting the one thing I’ve ever learned to love.