As the human carried me into some den ,

I clung to her with all my strength and claws.

I knew this place was where she often chose to be ,

for the smell - her smell was very strong here.

it was overpowering even to my immature senses .

But I felt I wanted to be here .

Pleasant drifts of an overwhelming peace and unrequited love were immensely welcoming.

I soon relaxed and could not help but release a quiet purr as she placed a fresh container of fish before me.

My favourite , I loudly purred .

The human then bared her teeth at me , but I felt no threat for I remembered when my mother had told me that this is how they themselves purr.

With belly full , I tried to now decide where I should reside.

Was it to be In front of the dancing heat that the human had suddenly brought to life or was it with her.

Their was no comparison

So I jumped on to her lap and gave the loudest purr ever.

I was overwhelmed by her response

For a sparkle of love radiated in her eyes.

THANK YOU , I meowed as I drifted into the best sleep that a homeless kitten could ever have.

l love you !

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