This Ain’t No Honeymoon

“Pack your shit we’re leaving. This was never meant to be no goddamn honeymoon.” Roughly tossing my clothes at me from the wicker seat in the corner of the beach hut. Still half-asleep, I bolt upright, pulling the light cotton sheets up to my chin to cover my still naked body and hurriedly gathering my clothes from the bed in front of me.

As I frantically pulled on my my clothes, Klaus sat staring at me from the chair that he’d cleared just moment before. Despite my unrelenting fear of this man, since I knew full well what he was capable of, there was something about his alpha-like dominance that sent waves of sexual excitement down my spine. Even the way, he positioned himself when he sat, thrust me into a whirlwind of sinful fantasies. Feet firmly planted on the ground, elbows resting firmly on his knees, as though he could pounce at any moment. Staring back at him, in that moment, images of the previous evening began to penetrate ever inch of my mind.

That night had been warm, and we had been travelling for hours. Thus when we finally arrived at the coast, lined with colourfully quirky beach huts, filled with mini fridges of ice cold beer, it can with a sigh of relief from both me and my captor. “Remember the plan” He said sternly, and I nodded in submission. The plan in question consisted of us pretending to be a young hippy couple on vacation in the area. Despite him being my captor, as I mentioned earlier, I couldn’t deny that there was something about him that set off sparks of sexual passion right down to my core. Even the gravelly tone in his voice when he placed his forceful commands manifested into a burning knot of desire in my stomach and a wetness between my legs. And so the idea that we would even pretend to be a couple came with a great sense of excitement, as I pictured waking up next to this gorgeous creature.

As Klaus checked us into our hut, I took the bags to the room and began to unpack. Along the back wall was a large set of oak drawers in which I delicately placed both of our clothes before making my way to the mini fridge and setting out a glass with a chilled bottle of beer on the table outside. Sighing contently, I perched myself in the steps of the beach hut gazing out into the vast ocean before me.

“What a good little wife you are.” Came that sensual voice from behind me, sending a wave of shivers dancing down my spine. Blushing, I turned around to face him.

“We’ll ain’t that the role I’m meant to be playing” I grinned, as he started to make his way over to me, until we were no more than an inch apart.

“But you know there’s certain other roles that a wife must fulfil” My breathing deepens as he said this and my heart began to race as I could smell his potent, masculine scent of sweat and faded aftershave. Suddenly, without warning, he roughly grabbed my ass, massaging it with his worn, work-stained hands. Moaning, I felt him working his mouth on the soft skin of my neck, his well groomed beard rubbing up against me and deepening my lustful moans. Effortlessly, he threw me onto the double bed in the middle of the room and proceeded to climb ontop, pinning me to the plus mattress. “You’re mine” He growled, and with one hand still groping my ass, his other moved up my thigh and into my underwear. “My God girl, you’re soaked.” Then he tore of my underwear, tearing the at the seams and burying his face between my thighs.

That was the greatest nought of my life, and it’d be fair to say that I slept sounder than I ever had done before, with his arms tightly wound around my waist.

So when morning came and he sat there, glaring at me from the corner of the room, I must admit that there was some heartbreak laced within my sinful desires.

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