The Tricky Tree

Finding a way into tricky situations has never been a problem for me. In fact, it's always as easy as breathing. But I haven't mastered the art of getting out of them yet.

I let out a panty breath as I stare into the large brown eyes. “Sometimes I wish I could be more like you.” The eyes just blink at me as if to ask what I mean. “I mean you're an owl. You're calm… focused… many things. And you're just minding your business on this beautiful tree, no care in the world.”

I shout as I almost slip again and start panting a bit more. “Meanwhile…” I clear my throat. “I’m an idiot about to fall to my death because I decided to climb a giant tree just to see a stupid owl.”

As if in response, the owl jumps forward a bit. It spooks me and I jump, causing my grip to slip.

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