Submitted by Benjamin Linus
Create a poem around the theme of sonder.
Sonder is the realisation that everyone is living their own complex lives even if you aren’t aware of them.
We’re All Main Characters
I’ve always had these thoughts that make wonder,
Every individual I pass by is living their own life
A life that can be as vivid and nuanced as my own, tough to visualize the scale of how many living, breathing, domes
Mind blowing to think about and there is a word that describes the feeling, it’s called sonder
Everybody wants to be the lead feature
The main character, the wise teacher
All the worlds a stage, but we all have our own theatre
I am a grain of sand
I am a blade of grass
I am a shard of glass
I am a star in space, it’s span infinite, vast
I am a stroke of color on a brush,
A wave on the Sea of Galilee,
Handed life through the times of Jesus and Rembrandt
I am warm as a million suns
I am as quick as a bullet,
Shot out like a gun, gods creation
We are unique as we are human,
The spectrum ranges from the singularity to trillions of conclusions
We are all projections of the universe expressing itself,
The thought itself can cause cynicism, craziness, confusion
Everyone is the same speck of dust, but we have the power to spark our own enlightenment
Don’t hide from it, confide in it
Here today, gone tomorrow, create your own island
You are unique, a pigment of color in a rainbow of humanity, be vibrant
You will feel lost and wonder,
What is the point of all of this, existence is overwhelming, might as well have a crisis
If these are your thoughts, pause
Isn’t it ridiculous to question the cause?
Of course, and I’m beginning to understand,
Be curious, live, give yourself forgiveness,
Beat to the drum of your own band
Every day is a chance at a new beginning,
A new birth,
The book of genesis starts with you,
Keep sondering, and you will find your worth on this earth