Friend Or Foe

I saw it every night. Its glowing white eyes stared at me from my closet while I slept. It didn’t say anything or do anything, just stared. I couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not. I suppose good if it wasn’t actively trying to hurt me. Weirdly enough, I was starting to find its presence comforting.

I was sleeping peacefully when I felt like I was being watched. While I knew the thing in the closet was watching me, this felt different. I peeled my eyes open to find a man standing over me. He had a gun pointed straight at me.

“You’re going to be a good girl and do as I say!” The man demanded.

I raised my hands in surrender and nodded my head. My frightened state seemed to amuse him because a smirk crossed his face. Out of my periphery, I saw the closet door slightly opened. A shadow came out and quickly snatched the man into the closet. There was some scuffling sounds and then silence. I didn’t move from the bed. There was no way I was going to that closet to see what had happened to that man. All I could really say for certain though, that thing protected me.

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