
A piercing flash devastated my vision. That was the last thing I remembered, everything prior was still there albeit slowly fading from my memory. White-washed walls scarce of liveliness, numerous fluids prepped for insertion and very little company. The lights faded leaving a faint buzzing & alarming beeps which also subsided to my ultimate demise. This was my last moment on Earth.

I couldn’t see, touch or hear anything. However I was undoubtably somewhere - albeit harshly indescribable. My vision wasn’t blackened, it was not existent.

Transparent echoes enthralled my entirely complex being, like distant whispers from across a lengthy field.

“Who’s that? What is that?” I silently pondered.

The translucent mutters grew audibly to conceivable words.

“I’m here to help.” It responded. There was no real conversation happening, not to my understanding at least. It was the utters of a confabulation seeping from a hidden crevices.

“How can I hear you?” I queried to myself.

“You can’t actually hear me, per se. However I am communicating with you. This fabrication that you’re experiencing is the only conceivable way for you to comprehend. That’s why it appears we are having a chat.”

Flashes of lights repeated like a rising pulsing. So awe-inspiringly strong that they consumed every fibre of my presence with each throb.

“What’s happening?” I queried. I was becoming more apparent to the obscure nature of my challenging existence.

“They’re you.” The whisper urged. It continued without a pause for contemplation.

“Every version of you. You see, every time that your physical body dies it opens the casket for your soul. However, for every time you die there is a version of you that doesn’t die. For example when you were younger, a version of you died from a car accident but you don’t remember that. Even though you died in that hospital, there was a version of you that died at a later date.”

Obscurely nonchalant to these bizarre revelations I persevered with an intangible curiousness.

“So you mean like an alternate universe?”

“Yes.” It bluntly answered. “However not like you imagine one. It’s as id you were to stand in the centre of a room covered in mirrors. You feel what you do, how you move and such. Although for every move you make, a reflection does the same simultaneously without you feeling the movement.”

The lights continued to warp intensely throughout my finite plane.

“So every flash if my death? Then what?”

“Well…” it uttered. “Once all your existences pass away, they will all merge together here. Then you can continue to your next life with the unconscious knowledge of many lifetimes which were all your.”

I pondered one final question. “When will all my lives end, then?”

Almost on queue, the intense bangs of light were fading into a subtle blackness.

“As soon as this ‘conversation’ is over. You will be okay.”

The End.

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