
Thirteen months ago, both Matriarchs were given a clue,

Phones buzzed, could the news be true?

Nine thousand kilometres across the sea,

Jan and Ellen decided to share their family tree

Before our minds could process,

Our letterbox held inspiration for french summer dress.

Ellen’s organisation, (an inherently German trait),

caused Jan to look lovingly at his soul mate...

(her perfect spreadsheets always did quicken his heart rate).

Christmas was the time for the elders to meet,

Within St George’s stone walls, a union made complete

Ellen and Jan have an impeccable gift, to give any room one great big lift.

Lady Obama said ‘truly powerful people bring others together’

aided by Basil gin smash, dancing and good weather

This is true for Ellen and Jan friends too

a wolf pack eternally bound together by glue

Present and forgiving through life's lows and highs,

Wonderful people have wonderful allies.

Our beloved pair are not hard to spot

with athletic arms, and conditioned blonde locks,

Two pairs of long legs, to dance elegantly through life,

Interrupted only by low ceilings, door frames,

and Jan’s height amusing his new wife

Jokes aside this fierce woman has taught me a lot

Two decades of friendship have woven us into a pretty tight love knot

She loves with integrity, and without being thwarted,

I am still coddled, over indulged and unconditionally supported

Dolly Alderton once said

“Love is a quiet, reassuring, relaxing, pottering, pedantic, harmonious,

hum of a thing;

something you can easily forget is there,

even though its palms are outstretched in case you fall.”

Ellen’s palms have always stretched far

Confident, reliable and firm

I am overjoyed that Jan’s palms are held out for her in return.

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