Time Travel Witness Company

A man stands at the abrupt corner where South Pane Road meets Grimn Lane.

He gives a momentary glance to his plastic wrist watch, checking to see if he’s earlier today. His eyes raise towards the unchanging crosswalk light. It glows red.

Checking each direction briefly, he decides he can cross. He takes a step onto the road. A blast of electricity surges through the air, thundering just infront of the man. A sleek, metallic and yellow car appears in the wake of the spectacle.

“Aaand, here we are Steph. The spot of your father’s untimely death.” A voice starts from inside. Another higher voice responds uneasily, “Are we supposed to be this close?” “uhhh, no. Let’s try this again.”

The man on the road looks into the car


A man stands at the abrupt corner where South Pane Road meets Grimn Lane.

He gives a momentary glance to his plastic wrist watch, reflecting the shine of a bright light. The mans attention is brought to the flash of light. A sleek, metallic, and yellow car appears in the wake of the spectacle of light just across the street. The man stands there in awe.

From within the car Steph and Winston sit. Their white spandex suits harbor not even a spec of any stain, Steph mutters, “So that’s him, my father. I wish I had gotten to know him more.” He pauses, “Before then or, I mean, today.”

“I think your pap’s still looking at us,” Winston adds without acknowledging the weight of Steph’s comment.

Just then, a red car races carelessly a few inches short of the sidewalk at which the man stands.

“we’ll try this one more time,” Wiston declared reaching for a button.

Steph lowly sighs, “I don’t know if I can watch this man.”

Winston turns to Steph and states, “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to see his last moments,” Winston takes a sip of an over-advertising, plastic cup, “We can go back to the present if ya’ want.”

“No, I-uh, I’ll just see it. It’s what he would’ve wanted,” stammered Steph.

“Alright bud,” Winston verified. His hand glides to a button and as he presses it—

A man stands at the abrupt corner where South Pane Road meets Grimn Lane. He checks his watch, then the crosswalk light. It glows red.

After taking a few steps on the road, the man alarmingly notices the red car racing towards him. His eyes widen as the tires of the vehicle let out a heart stopping scream. The collision seemingly lasts for an eternity.

A man lies motionless at the abrupt corner where South Pane Road meets Grimn Lane.

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