'I have forgotten.'

Write a story with this as the final line of dialogue.


The testing facility has been holding you hostage for testing. When they heard you and another hostages plan to run away and escape, they injected you with trackers, but they put them in your thigh, so you wouldn’t be able to cut the limb off, like if it were in your finger or ear. Yes, you still would be able to cut it off but you would bleed to death before you ran away.

There are about fifty hostages, all of which now had the trackers in them. But you and your new, also hostage, friend were still planning to escape. You would brake out in the middle of the night, you’d made a map that leads you around all guards and traps in the facility.

On your way out, you were in a vent when you overheard people talking in the room below you. It was a testing room, or so it looked like through the tiny openings in the vent. The people were talking about some sort of memory loss dart. You began crawling away when the people looked up at the vent.

Outside. Finally. You and your partner begin running as fast as you can to get away from there.

All of a sudden you hear guards running behind you. You and your partner try to run faster but your still out of breath from how hard you were running before.

Seconds later your partner falls to the ground with a scream. You get distracted and immediately run towards them and Neal down next to them.

“ oh my god.” You say, panicked. “ where were you shot?” Tears fill your eyes as they point to their left shoulder. But it’s not a bullet.

“A dart” you say.

“Who- where” they say.

“No” you cry.

“ who are you?” They say staring at you with a confused expression.

“Who am i?” You say “ are you serious?”

“What” they say still confused.

But before you could answer you feel a scorching hot pain in your arm.

The guards. You begin screaming as you fall to the ground.

You hear footsteps coming towards you. When you look at them they begin to slow down.

“ hello” one says.

“Huh?” You say.

“Do you remember us?” One says.

“I um- no” you hesitate.

“ do you remember” one begins as they look at the person next to them “ well, do you remember anything?” You think for a second.

“No, I have forgotten…” your voice trails off as you start looking around. “I have forgotten” you whisper.

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