Submitted by Olivia Pemberly
A retired circus performer opens their long-forgotten equipment trunk and finds something unexpected inside.
Long long ago there was a man he was 25 and he used to work at the circus then one day he pulled out his elegant trunk and finds a note but he did not read it he was scared he did not know if he should read it or not instead he went to the next door neighbor and told them everything thing they said I was being dramatic and so they grabbed the note and it said……. That if I don’t pay the witch of the North Pole I will steal Santa. The neighbors where in shock so was I. I said well if this is true then we should go to the North Pole but how?? Then the neighbor said “WE CAN GO ON A TRAIN” that’s so true ok the next train Is at 1:00 pm ok so we have an hour to pack up. I said what do u mean pack???? Well we need food,water,cloths,sunscreen,jackets,a blanket, and a few other things. Ok ok I get it. (One hour later) ok let’s go. We all went on the train. ( 30 minutes later) ok where here. When we got there there was another note and it said come this way where the line of candy cans are follow it and then u will find the building and when u do go into it and don’t touch anything ok nothing we all agreed not to and followed the trail and went in side the building and strode there. A couple minuets later the witch appered and said do u have my money and I said ya but wait where Santa. I’m glad u aske the witch said. He is right here huh SANTA NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Calm down he is not dead he is just asleep for a little bit. WHAT DID U DOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????? I did nothing I just wanted u to see I want that money. Why do you need the money I didn’t do anything wrong. Well when u where 15 u worked at the circus and I did to but then u took my spot and said it’s ok I will pay u back one day and then I came back later that day and u said oh ya sorry about that I can help you out I said that but I did not promise bye bye. That what u said and it hurt so now I want my money and if u don’t give me it Santa dies ok ok here good choose here here is ur Santa teddy bear.