The Pink Balloon

I sat across from Aileen that day. It was unseasonably warm, yet she wore a long sleeve striped sweater that was cashmere. I thought it odd at the time, but everyone was so talkative and joyous that it sounded like the cacophony of crows perched upon the power lines every night in town.

Aileen laughed, head cocked sideways as if listening for someone outside the private dining area.

I strained to listen too and then she caught my eyes in her gaze, letting her demure smile slightly droop like that of a disappointed child. The pink balloon that wafted next to her chair made it all the more childlike.

Our meal came in waves, one more exquisite than the next. Caviar and champagne, on and on until finally we could not eat another morsel.

After our dessert, we went around the table asking one by one to show a special skill. A party trick, if you will.

Laughter filled the space as Dorian showed us a very uneasy backbend, making her look like one of those rubbery Gumby toys.

Maxine had the knack for small, sleight of hand coin tricks, to which I teased, “No wonder I never have any change when you get out of my car after a ride!”

“Oh stop it!” Maxine said coyly, ever slightly squinting her eyes around the table.

When we reached Aileen, her hands dropped into her lap and she looked out towards the lake beyond the restaurant.

“I don’t really have any tricks to show you guys…”

The mood seemed to dampen like a flame by a blanket.

She looked at us once again and then looked at the balloon near her chair, “ I have a confession to make. It may sound silly but I…I…uh, I have a huge fear of balloons.” She kind of shuddered and pulled her body down and away from it.

She looked directly at me and I said “Grab the string and pull it down to you. Just give it a small kiss…and let it go! You’re safe with us!”

She hunched her shoulders down, causing her striped sweater to bunch up around her neck to make her look much too small. Like a child.

Her delicate hand slowly reached for the string and began to reel it down towards her red stained lips.

Just as she neared the pink balloon to her mouth, she closed her eyes ever so slightly and leaned forward, she took a deep breath and then went to touch it to her lips.


The latex had exploded in that instant causing Aileen to gasp in shock and inhaling the entire deflated balloon down her throat.

She stood up immediately, eyes wide with fear.

Somebody in the room screamed for help from the outside, as the ladies rushed around her.

Maxine jumped into action and deftly pulled at the string hanging from her mouth, yanking the torn rubber piece out. They both collapsed on the floor.

The manager of the restaurant finally arrived trying to figure out who was at the center of all this hullabaloo. And as the women cleared away from Aileen, she was sat on the floor looking up at him and wryly said, “I’ve been caught…it’s over for me.”

After the police had taken her away, the manager pulled me aside and said, “we’ve been trying to catch her in the act FOR MONTHS. She’s always trying to cause a scene for a free meal…this time we caught her thanks to you.”

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