Write a poem exploring mistakes and redemption.
Humans are fallible, and often the best stories come from our errors. What might you discuss in this poem?
I guess you were never exempt from the statistic
A couple bad nights and it allowed him to go ballistic
On a woman he so loved, with a fallible tolerance
I wonder if he only meant he wanted distance
But if he absolutely must pack his bags and go
Perhaps there was something I’d never noticed before
To rely on a child for emotional needs
Isn’t that what she’s for?
No, because now he grieves
To a son unaware and unqualified for such a topic
I only wish he had been more sympathetic
To a son so young and strong, he only wanted what was best
But now I wonder if he’ll ever really get rest
From the turbulence inside that became so grim
But now I sit quietly and listen to his “but I still love him”
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