cursed chat

[Dream Girl] logged on to group chat [The Rejects] at 12:35p.m.

DG: I know where all the missing socks go

Read by [Knife Kid], [Mr. Cynical], [Captain F.]

KK: lol wut

CF: that’s great, Lou

DG: don’t patronize me

DG: don’t act like you have never wondered where your socks go

KK: I just

KK: like

KK: lose them?

MC: yeah I don’t really wonder where tf they “go”

Read by [Dream Girl]

DG: did I ever explain to you guys how I manifested my powers?

KK: here we go

CF: Lou, we have stuff to do right now!

CF: kind of in the middle of something only ring if it’s important!

DG: I get my powers when I sleep

KK: I have a feeling she knows, Cap’n

KK: she just doesn’t care

DG: obviously I get my powers when I sleep but have you wondered what I have to do to charge my powers? Well, I enter a completely different realm when I sleep.

KK: aaaaaaand she has no intention of stopping.

Read by [Captain F.]

DG: the realm in which I enter has no name, at least not one I know. I just know that it holds immense power. Whether it’s another dimension or universe is hard to say

DG: but it’s something like an unnatural sort of void. Everything is just dark.

Like when you close your eyes. It’s like being surrounded by pure nothingness, true void.

DG: there is an indescribable power felt immediately upon entering this void though. And an eerie feeling, like there’s always something behind you that you just can’t see and when you turn around it’s gone

DG: like when you’re a little kid and you have that feeling like there’s something in your closet or under your bed and maybe it’s your imagination, or just an anxiety about being in the dark but that doesn’t make it any less scary.

DG: if anything the feeling is more potent because you’re spurring your own fear

DG: and that’s how it feels, this void. It feels almost empathetic to your feelings, like it’s a living breathing thing.

Read by [Knife Kid], [Captain F.]

MC: okay I’m done with my thing and heading back to hq

MC: so, Louie I’ll humor you

MC: keep taking about the dream world or the void

MC: what do you do in your void or whatever? Like what “charges your power”

DG: entering the realm at all charges my power, that’s how potent it’s magic is

DG: at least I think it’s magic

DG: maybe it could be explained by science but not by any human form of comprehension. This realm, goes beyond the realm of science fictions it’s so mystical

MC: what makes it mystical?

DG: it’s not always void. It shifts kind of like a dream. You know how I said it sometimes feels like the void is empathetic to my feelings?

MC: yeah

DG: that’s because it changes. Sometimes it shows me a memory like I’m inside of my own consciousness. Other times it shows me things before they happen or I guess as they’re happening in the city. But I never remember them when I wake up. I only remember seeing them as they’re happening or after they happen. Like deja vu

KK: so basically ur void lets u see the future and you squander it? Thanks Lou!

MC: Blaine stfu, kys

KK: wow

MC: /j

DG: anyways

DG: I tried to remember the first time I entered the realm, back before Cap lost his memory and then regained it again. DG: And I did. I remembered falling asleep and being in this weird realm. Something was there. Something was guiding me like a voice only I couldn’t remember what it said. It just told me where to go. Helped me navigate the void

DG: which I know sounds meaningless but it knew where to take me because it showed me this crack, like there was a tear in the void leaking light.

DG: it was so bright and it became blinding the closer I got to it

MC: the tear in the alley on 5th Ave?

DG: yeah

DG: it took me to that portal

KK: wait you mean the portal that we think is the source of like ALL of our problems??

KK: the one that has been reanimating corpses and giving people super powers and shit??

KK: that’s the source of your power??

DG: no! I don’t think so anyway?

DG: would you shut up and let me tell my story

MC: yeah Blaine stfu what did I just say

[Knife Kid] is muted

MC: go on

DG: so it took me to that tear and I didn’t know what it was at first. Until I got closer to it and looked inside. And I saw Cam

CF: wait you saw me?

DG: and you were with Claire! She was showing you the portal for the first time.

CF: but I didn’t see anything on the other side of the of the portal. It was just

DG: void?

DG: the voice told me to go through it. I remember because it was so loud.

CF: Claire said she heard something guiding her to it too. Like she unconsciously knew she needed to be there.

DG: and when I left the portal I wasn’t in my corporeal body. My body was asleep at HQ still. I knew I needed to get back to it so I did. And when I woke up I had the whole reach of my powers. I had gotten them from whatever was in that realm or maybe the realm itself I’m still not sure.

DG: I go there every night to recharge my power and it still feels like there’s something there. Something is calling to me in this void and I have to find it but it won’t let me? Or I just can’t? Idk

DG: but lately it’s been hard to sleep. I keep waking up too early.

DG: I think the realm is alive like it’s not just a place like it’s a being, some kind of life form that goes beyond human comprehension?

DG: or its power makes it sentient?

MC: spooky

DG: that’s not the worst part. That feeling I get like something is following me? I don’t think that’s a coincidence.

DG: I think there are other people here.

DG: I think there are other things here.

MC: what like the “things” we’ve seen wrecking havoc in the city

DG: maybe.

CF: wait you mean the things that claimed to be demons?

DG: I had a working theory on that. I thought maybe it was possible they didn’t have corporeal forms when they left the dream realm and entered the city and that animating corpses or entering hosts was just enough to help them gain influence. I also noticed their powers didn’t differ from mine

DG: I mean these things could do ALL the same stuff I could do because of the dream realm. Telekinesis, pyrokinesis, teleportation, etc

MC: yeah

MC: magic shit

DG: yeah well

DG: I thought maybe I could take some kind of preventative measure, track them down in the void before they left

CF: what like

CF: you try to do demon hunting in the dream realm before they can make it through to the real realm

DG: yes

DG: well that’s an extremely obtuse way of putting it but yeah

CF: that sounds extremely dangerous. I’d ask that you refrain from doing that until more research has been done

DG: and who exactly would be conducting this research?

CF: um

DG: yeah so sorry Cap, but I’m gonna have to ignore that little request since it wasn’t a formal order

DG: besides I’ve finally been able to find a trace of something else out here for once

DG: it took me a while, I guess you could say I hadn’t really been in tune with the realm but now I finally have been

DG: I think that was part of the reason I wasn’t getting enough rest. It was rejecting me, the realm. It wasn’t happy with my work

DG: it gave me this power for a reason. It wasn’t without consequence. It wants me to do something in return.

MC: I’m back at HQ

MC: Louie where are you

DG: in my room probably

CF: Skip can you unmute Blaine I need his 10-20

MC: just pm him

MC: Lou what do you mean probably?

CF: wait I can just unmute him


[Knife Kid] has been unmuted

MC: Cameron I stg if you message Blaine in the group chat rn

DG: so I’ve been trying to listen to what it wants. I keep trying to hear it’s voice like that first day and I haven’t been able to hear anything

DG: but it’s been showing me more like it’s leading me somewhere.

KK: mom, Lou is being cryptic and I don’t like it

DG: and I’ve been listening.

DG: though it’s been leading me somewhere, it’s been unsettling.

KK: where has it taken you?

MC: Louie

MC: I just went into your room and

MC: you’re asleep

CF: wait how is that possible

MC: idk

MC: Louie?

MC: where are you?

DG: I’m sleeping like you said.

DG: I entered the void, felt like something was following me and looked over my shoulder to see nothing.

DG: I followed where the realm wanted me to be.

MC: and where did it take you?

DG: ever wonder where your socks go when you lose them?

MC: oh my fuck Louie

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