©2018-2019 TeslaMen

Write a story or poem using the image above as inspiration.

Their world

50 years. 50 long years of being Put into our place.

When the first one appeared we gunned it down. I remember that day, I wasn’t prepared for that. Hearing it scream loudly out of its two mouths while it gurgled and slumped to the ground. My gun was empty and my uniform covered in the creatures blood. We thought that was the end of it.

2 days later, twenty more appeared from the ground off Britain. After a battle with tanks and helicopters against giant, ancient beasts with claws razor sharp and teeth strong as metal we lost with a tragic loss of life. The survivors of the battle knelt down before them. After all they were here before us.

10 years later. Electricity and running water disappeared. No medicine or professions. No class or society. Everyone fights for there own life now and will do anything to survive. Our every move watched by them. The world was no longer ours. Over three quarters of the population has died. Either executed, starved or illness. There were no leaders but them. No mercy except theirs. Our life was given to them and we must trust that or we to will die.

50 years and a whole generation has been bought up knowing that these monsters control our life. I’m old now and dying with nobody to care. I see them watch me as I walk to my tent. They know what’s happening to me and there is a relief. One less person for them to lead and closer to there once planet being rightfully there’s again.
