“Depending on which side you’re on, karma can be a beautiful thing.”

Write a story which ends with this sentence.

I’ll remember this.

Whatever you do next, I’ll never forget that day in the summer. That day you betrayed me and everything that had built between us. You know I still don’t speak to my sister for the part she played. I never understood how easy deceit could be for some people until I learned how long my heart and my blood had been sneaking away from my eyes from behind my back. It’s fine now. I’ve calmed down. It’s been a long road to get from here to there, but I understand myself better. The truth is I know now that I wasn’t as hurt as anyone else would’ve been. I know that I’ve never been the weak and meek type. My world doesn’t end because of some insignificant girl who would risk love for lust.

Look now, I’ve come home with a true Queen. Her majestic glow has this little town of ours talking. It’s funny how seeing you didn’t bring the faintest dash of pain. What I didn’t know back then was the shocked expression you carried was less about me and more about her. I told you “we’re getting married.” You welled with tears and ran away. My darling said she left you once. We never spoke again. I guess karma had the last say.

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