
The sun is setting and the week is coming to an end. The work week at least. George and Lara are spending Friday night at home, as usual. This weekend is not a usual weekend though - this was supposed to be their wedding weekend. Their long awaited and carefully planned special day was cancelled two months ago, when events with more than 10 people were declared illegal in an attempt to stop the rioting. The riots continue and most people don’t feel much like celebrating anyway.

They didn’t talk about it much. The first few days after the law was passed flew by in a flurry of contacting relatives and arguing over refunds with florists. Then they were both just too tired to discuss it anymore. When the whole country descends into chaos, the last thing on your mind is starting a life together. What will life be like anyway one year from now? Or even one month from now?

George sometimes makes jokes about it, like how the whole country conspired to let men be bachelors just a while longer, but under the jokes he’s sad he won’t get to see Lara in the beautiful white dress that now hangs desolately in her closet under a plastic bag. He never told her but he has recurring nightmares of waiting for her at the church and her not showing up, and then her mother calling and letting him know she was caught by the rioters and killed. He’s worried that the life he dreamed of with her may never happen.

Lara tries to put on an optimistic face when they talk about the wedding. She always points out how lucky they should feel that they didn’t lose a lot of money, and that when things go back to normal, they can have their wedding. But when she’s alone, she cries and feels guilty for not being sad the wedding was cancelled. She has second thoughts. She doesn’t like the thought of planning her happy married life while people are suffering from injustice. She would gladly donate all the wedding money to a charity and join the street protests. She resents George for being so indifferent to the state their country is in and knows she will never be on the same page as him on these issues. And what kind of marriage would that be?

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