Submitted by Benjamin Linus

Create a poem around the theme of sonder.

Sonder is the realisation that everyone is living their own complex lives even if you arenโ€™t aware of them.

A Trail Of Dominos

A stranger Is no stranger. To some, a friend. To some, an enemy. To all, a being who walks on the ground And thinks thoughts. Wretched thoughts or wise thoughts, Murderous thoughts or hopeful thoughts, None can say. For we all think In our own special way. A man walking down the street Has friends and family he is eager to meet. Random or specific, Important or not, He knows where he is going. He is loved by somebody. He is touched by all. His life is like a trail of dominos. In this way we all go. Kindness stretches across the world, To men, women, boys and girls. A polite hello, A brief exchange Of strangers touches their lives, And their lives touch their friends lives, And the dominos all fall into place As we make our way through time and space.
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