An Alien Holiday

“Oh what now” exclaimed Judy as she walked to the door, of all the holidays, Halloween was her least favorite by a country mile, all the trick or treaters, the candy and the stupid horror movies made her sick, but she didn’t want to be a bad neighbor so she opened the door with a bag of candy in her hand only to drop it and scream once she saw the all to real alien costume, it’s dead white eyes looking into her soul, and it’s hands a gray color, she gives it candy and quickly shuts the door, later, another knock at the door wakes her, she goes to check it, and she finds the alien back, without much of a disguise, she screams and try’s to shut the door but the beasts tentacles stop it, and she rushes to the phone, but the wires have been cut and the beast walks into her home, and it just sits on the couch, not threatening her in any way, she says “what the heck are you and why are you in my house” “well” the alien said, “I got stuck on this world while learning about it”

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