
Write a story that includes a Fishmonger as a character

Consider how important this character is to the story. Are they the main character or supporting? Are they a protagonist or antagonist?


“Selling cockles and mussels, alive alive oh,” she sang to herself as she went to start her day. She ran an oyster farm, and did like to consider herself a fishmonger. She liked to imagine it was part of her Irish roots.

She arrived at the docks, loaded her gear onto the boat, and thought about her day. She didn’t own much of an oyster farm, but it was enough to keep her busy, and she collected environmental data on the waters as well.

Out on the waters she collected herself, anchored, and started hauling in her harvest. One oyster stood out from the rest. It was emerald green! Highly unusual, she wondered it it was due to some quick in the environment. Setting her regular catch in the tank, she brought this odd bivalve to bucket to examine it closer.

She was quite shocked when it started to speak! At least, she thought it was saying words, but not of a language she knew. The oyster was the silent, as if observing her.

“Oh, my apologizes, you haven’t evolved to that language yet,” she distinctly heard in English. With a slightly Scottish accent.

“Buuuuhhh..” was her reply.

“Yes, I can imagine this is quite the shock to you. I am from another dimension, and foolishly chose this form. I lament that I cannot move, not change to my regular form. Thank you for pulling me up.”

“Another dimension? And you choose an oyster?” She recovered her speech, and marveled at the oddness of chatting with a trans dimensional Scottish bivalve. Briefly she wonder how it tasted, but quickly pushed those thoughts aside.

“Yes, I’m not sure what I was thinking. Failed to do research, and the shell is quite lovely. But that doesn’t matter now. I am here to grant you three wishes!”


“No, of course not. I’m not a genie. But you may be able to help me out. Is there a particle accelerator nearby?”

“Um, no. Nearest is in Switzerland. Quite far for here.” She was still trying to come to grips with what was happening.

“Pity. I do like those. Well, I can make due with a beer, twine, and a titanium spork.”

Having those items, she hit them for the oyster. Not knowing what else to do, she poured the beer in the bucket, and dropped the twine and spork in.

This seemed to please the being. Somehow, and it happened very fast, the being was able to wrap the twine around the spork. There was a great flash of light, and the oyster was gone.

She sat down. What had happened? Had it happened? Had she drank seawater? She opened a seemingly regular oyster, pondered it for a second, and ate it.

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