
Usually people walk into Church to reflect and try and piece things together in their lives that seem to be out of order. To try and create a balance from chaos within the confines of a beautifully constructed and adorned four walls. Churches breed tranquility, they exude calmness and induce thought. One walks in and sees the statues, the stained glass windows and begin to feel history and realize that their problems aren’t new to the world. They can see the struggles of those that came before them reflected in the art, spoken of in the Bible and felt in the statues. Sometimes, people relate to the images on the windows of saints and martyrs, they see the persecution and begin to understand why they are being persecuted against in their own lives. They see pain in the eyes of the characters in the painting and relate to the artists interpretation and angst. It’s no longer a saying that “Art reflects life” it’s a feeling that resonates deep in their souls. Crisis is inherent to the human condition. It’s timeless and knows no limit or holds itself back from anyone person or group of people. We as a group take comfort in knowing that are struggles are not our own, that someone, somewhere, at sometime has gone through the same things we are going through in our lives. We sleep a little better knowing that we are not alone in our experiences of the world. We can sit and look at a stained glass window in a place of reverence and appreciate the art for what it is while we revere the message it represents.

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