Think about the last character you wrote or read about; what ten items would they bring with them to a deserted island?

Write an internal monologue from this character explaining the reasons behind their choices.

Vanishing, Transportation, Production

I am Alfred Borden, the Professeur de Magie conjured into life by Mr Priest in his novel ‘The Prestige’. Perhaps my reader will stop here to avoid the slightest spoilers but I will only hint at them.

This will be my final escape - to my island then my eternal rest. I’m not fleeing, except from myself, but I will never catch myself now will I? What is on my inventory, what shall I ask the sea captain to put in the ship’s hold?

ITEM 1 - 20 fine blank journals bound in finest vellum.

What shall I do without an audience? I’m so used to writing for my own purposes but fresh thoughts will come and writing’s its own therapy. I live with Secrets, but I will close my old Book of Secrets and turn at last to a new story. Let’s not pretend I write for me but posterity also - they will discover the real me when I’m finally turned to dust.

ITEM 2 - My cabinet maker’s tools.

I have skills to build a fine house from palm trees and mahogany. It won’t be as grand as my house in St John’s Wood, but might match the utility of my little North London flat. Of course I’ll make some hidden cupboards and such. I can build anything! And if I get bored, perhaps I can carve a stage and a crowd of coconut heads to marvel at my legerdemain.

ITEM 3 - A locket with 2 locks of hair.

I miss you both, ladies. My mind misses the company and my body misses the physicals.

IITEM 4 - Packs of cards

An endless supply, naturally. My hands will miss their exercise.

ITEM 5 - A playbill from the Coliseum

It’s vanity I know, but it was my life. I gave my whole life for it.

ITEM 6 - Brandy

Let’s have enough for the rest of my days. And while we are indulging ourselves…

ITEM 7 - Some saucy postcards

What do you think Alfred? I should coco.

ITEM 8 - A French Grammar

Maybe I will actually learn to speak French instead of mugging it.

ITEM 9 - A prayer book and bible.

I’m dammed already, eh, but I will pray daily for my old enemy Angier’s soul.

ITEM 10 - ???

I don’t know, I wish I’d asked myself what I wanted.

Notes: I am re-reading The Prestige by Christopher Priest and I’m again enthralled by the story and the writing. There’s an excellent movie directed by Christopher Nolan too. It’s a mystery and tells of obsession, secrets and their ripples through time.

Priest writes from different voices and the early narrative centres on Borden’s Book of Secrets - a book within a book. The voices seem to come so easily in the story and Borden was alive in my head as I wrote this. A good prompt this: I tried to understand this character’s motivations in the items he chose.

Do your characters have a story which they need to pour out into your head?

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