



Write a story or poem featuring these three rhyming words

Sleeping Draught

Stellen sighed as he made his way to his basement, flipping the light switch as he went. It was the middle of the night. The Norwegian was exhausted from not sleeping much the last few days. He had been refraining from using magic for a bit and it was defiantly starting to take its effect on him. Stellan was a witch after all and knew the importance of using his gift. He knew that not using magic and letting it build up was dangerous and could harm him if he wasn’t careful. His mother had often warned him of it.

As Stellan reached the bottom of the stairs he was greeted with the familiar sight of his ‘magic lair’ as his husband liked to call it. The room was fairly small with the walls and floor made of concrete. In the center of the room sat a cauldron that was placed in the middle of a circle filled with symbols. Behind that stood a an old wood podium with a very large and very old leather bound book atop it. Even farther behind it against the wall was a simple wooden table with a smaller cauldron was on it. The same circle that was on the floor was carved into the wood of the table. Hanging on the same wall as the table were shelves filled with objects from crystals to the bones of small animals, as well as some other odd objects. There were different types of fresh herbs and plants growing in pots littered around the room. Stellan had made sure that the poisonous ones were labeled and kept well out of reach should any of his family come down here. The man let out another sigh as he looked around the room. His eyes wondering from item to item as he made a mental check list for what he would need for a simple sleeping draught.

Stellan first added water to the cauldron and began the process of enchanting said water. This was to make a base potion that was pretty much useless without other ingredients. Then after finishing that the Norwegian slowly stirred in a mix of chamomile, magnesium, and finally some lavender. It mixed in to a rather nice smelling mixture that already was making him sleepy. Stellan carefully moved the sleep draught into a small glass flask and capping it with a cork. He quickly cleaned up the table before grabbing the sleeping draught.

Stellan made his way up the stairs, flipping the light switch of as he went. He made his way back to their bedroom finding it exactly how he left it with his husband still asleep and the covers on his side of the bed pulled back. Stellan carefully climbed back into bed, careful not to wake Henrik. He paused when Henrik’s fingers twitched before continuing. He opened the corked flask and downed it before placing it on the bedside table. He curled up against his husband, sleep quickly taking him.

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