Write a story about a character who’s considering quitting, but decides to give it one last go.

Dramatic Evenings

Too much screeching

Relations to no cause

They just keep crowding

They jump with applause

No recognition

Though do I deserve it

Numbers show determination

Though numbers are not fit

I feel empty deep down

I could just be starved

Maybe not, says I, the clown

Crowned as jokester, elderly carved

I feel tired, take me home

I suggest to sleep earlier

I need to speak, but I’m alone

Oh I’m such a worrier

Tired, hungry, ignored

Ignored deemed quiet

Shyness, I believed, was foretold

We believed we were “it”

I will drop out, cut them off

Maybe go party

But I’m getting a cough

I’ll do it, to not be tardy

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