The Pier

In the early morning light the lake seemed entirely harmless, tranquil, almost enticing.

Sally sat down at thr edge of the pier resisting the urge to drop her feet into the cool still water.

Everyone she loved was gone, consumed by the lake. Already the memories seemed impossible to her

She allowed the large hot tears well up and fall silently down her cheeks.

A breeze skirted the surface of the water, creating ripples in the stillness. Sally closed her eyes and allowed the breeze to play across her face and dry her tears.

Refusing to open her eyes she stood and turned her back on the lake. Resolute in her decision to leave.

She paused for just a moment, opening her eyes slowly and acknowledging the police beginning to crowd the edge of the water.

Her hands, still bloodstained, formed fists as she readied herself for whatever fate befell her. Anything was better than an eternity at the bottom of that lake.

Suddeny what felt like a hand, cold, wet and impossibly strong, grabbed at Sally’s ankle. She just had time to let out a final scream and see as the police scrambled to reach her, knowing there was nothing anyone could do as she was dragged down into the lake and lost forever.

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