Inspired by Maranda Quinn

Write a story in which there are no human characters.

The story can include anything else, although it doesn't have to have sentient characters, or it could have no characters at all!

The Forest

A light paw hits the ground, gently nudging the earth aside. Sunlight drifts through the gaps in the trees canopy, dappling the undergrowth. Nothing can be heard but the sounds of the forest, the full chatter of an entire ecosystem at play.

The doe lowers its head, gently nibbling at the vegetation. Above her, birds chatter and sing, loping back and forth amongst the branches.

Suddenly, her head raises, responding to a sound only she hears. She holds herself ramrod straight, her eyes sweeping over the brush the only movement.

After several minutes, she slowly lowers her head to continue grazing, still warily checking the darkened undergrowth on occasion.

Meanwhile, a hare munches nearby in the hidden brush - the source of the noise. The hare, oblivious to the doe’s discomfort, continues to enjoy its dinner. A large cardinal observes its progress from a perch in a large elm tree, its tall branches reaching high above the wildlife.

Spreading its wings, it takes flight suddenly, swooping low to avoid the forests dangling limbs. A few sharp turns and rolls later, and it bursts through the canopy, greeted by a dazzling blue sky. It chirps loudly, gleefully, basking in the space to turn and twist and fly. It soars low, nearly brushing the tops of the trees, then dips down suddenly, skimming the surface of a swiftly moving river.

A fish splashes out of the water in front of the bird, then dives back deep into the current. The cold water rushes smoothly over its gills, providing sweet relief. It swims through its school, dipping deep into the river bed weeds before rising once more to leap out of the water.

Upstream, the bear waits patiently, ready to catch the next fish to leap into its waiting clutches. Winter is just beginning to thaw, and its hunger knows no bounds. Spring is beginning, and nature continues, anew and ancient, changing and unchanged.

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