Tasked with hosting your friend's engagement celebration, you throw an elaborate party in a forest.
The last bit of light between the trees in the forest twinkled out of sight and a curtain of darkness and coolness overtook the day. The warm summer days were being chased out every evening by the early fall coolness, and there was an extra chill setting inside a shallow basin formed in the earth in the forest. Any moment the guests would begin their trickle in.
The change in the air also signified the change amongst the creatures of Narodë. Here in the middle of the forest, a cozy place of peace has been carved out for the attendees. Warmer days had provided a lush covering of ivy across the opening and around tree trunks, steadily creeping higher before death by frost set in. Arele had the honor bestowed upon her to create this delicate ambiance, and she was grateful to see her favorite bumbling dwarf, Truda, had already donated a beautiful array of their pumpkins which came in different sizes and shades of green, blue, and orange. Four large fire pits made of intricate strands of light wood surrounded the quaint table and chairs. To match the table setting, these firepits were lined with mismatched wax candles all melting into each other from their close proximity. The large oak table was starting to drip wax from either end of the table. Light orbs floated above the table for the final enthralling touch. Guests could see the warm glow fluttering from deep in the earth and that was the sign the celebration had begun.
The creatures of Narodë arrived in groups; five humans of the Hazfort village, a large bronze centaur accompanied by a shorter but sturdy grey centaur, a swarm of air sprites plus a couple fire and earth sprites, two tree goblins, seven dwarves of which Arele spotted Truda, as well as an intimidating group of animals including a very large buck, a burly brown bear, a well-fed black crow, and a hound dog with bloodshot eyes and a chunk missing from his ear.
When Arele was sure there was someone to represent every invited party on the guest list, she gave a signal to an air sprite named Fern who in turn set off a pleasant dance of the bells. The bride and groom would now arrive shortly, and the gleeful buzz in the air quieted down as guests eagerly looked around for their descent.
Lightening struck just outside of the gathering amongst the first line of trees, and A horned creature slowly emerged from the treeline.
There was a visible jolt from the guests as realizations set in.
“Xelots weren’t i-invited!” Hamlin sputtered loudly from the corner of the table hosting the dwarves.
Pheara took one long and graceful step towards the party, which caused a shuffling amongst the guests to let through the strongest of the bunch.