Write about a paranormal activity
17% of Americans claim to have witnessed a ghost
"There. Look, she's doing it again," exclaimed Levi.
Olivia frowned, "Willow what are you looking at there's nothing up there, you weirdo."
Levi adjusted himself on the couch, his eyes following their cat's suspicious glare. He squinted his eyes, hoping to see a mosquito or a fly, but saw nothing. "Yeah, what the hell are you looking at Willow? You know that's creepy right? Staring off into space at nothing...crazy people do that."
Olivia held back a chuckle, and swatted him across the arm, "Jerk. Don't be mean to her."
"What? It's weird Olivia. I think our new cat brought some ghosts with her." Levi rubbed her on the head and Willow responded with a satisfied purr. "Our house was ghost free until you got here you little weirdo."
"I mean maybe you're right..." Said Olivia with a shrug.
Levi frowned and tilted his head upwards, "What's that supposed to mean...explain yourself, Olivia."
Olivia shrugged her shoulders, "Well the other night, when you went out with Kai, I was hanging out with her in our room. I was watching TV and she was lying next to me and all of a sudden she just freaked out. She stood up like a cat in a cartoon, I half expected her fur to stand up. She was staring at the closet for the longest time, then she jumped off the bed and sat outside the room until you got home."
"See now that's weird. Now you got me thinking that our house is haunted." Levi exclaimed.
"Oh come on, our house isn't haunted," replied Olivia with an eye roll. "Right Willow? You're just staring at bugs, there aren't any ghosts here."
"Meow," responded Willow, her gaze going back up to the ceiling. Staring into the hollow, and rotting eye sockets of the tall man that stood above her new owners.