Tell the reader everything they need to know about a character by only describing their shoes.

Black boots

You let out a contented sigh as you slide

your foot into the soft familiar skin

of your faded black boots. The leather creaks

as you settle into the sole, shoelaces dancing

around themselves as you loop them tightly,

once, then twice, cradling your ankle

in their familiar clutch.

These are not the first black boots

you have bought. You replace them every

few years, whenever your lopsided gait cracks

the corners of the thick leather or renders

the sole uneven. Although they now fit you well,

it was a struggle at first. Your feet were bruised

and swollen as you broke them in, long

weeks spent moulding them to your shape.

Each new boot seems to hurt more than the last,

yet you keep getting the same pair, afraid that a change

of style will bring with it new complications

or a new pain, one that perhaps you are not as

accustomed to. You rationalise that it is better

to persevere with the familiar discomfort

rather than delving into the unknown.

Change was always too intimidating,

and you lack the belief that you will find

another style that fits you so well.

So you carry on with that trusted black boot

that pinches your toes and scatters

blisters over your heels, convincing yourself that

the aching is worth it in the end. I hope one day you

fight that fear of change, and find yourself

a new shoe. One that is comfortable from

the first instant, and that doesn't need weeks

of wearing in to become one with your foot.

I hope that branching out into new footwear

gives you the courage to finally leave behind

those that do not serve you, instead of clinging to

the ones who make you feel inferior. I hope that

you learn to appreciate the value of yourself

and to treat your feet with the kindness

they deserve for carrying you through so much.

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