Write a story that centres around playing a game.

Knight Moves

"Argh! I blundered my queen!"

"It's just a game."

"Just a game! Chess is the game of kings!"

"Seems like a game of queens to me. You know. Queens are so powerful and all."


"Well, now that you lost one, you wanna head out for a real bite to eat or something?"

"Huh? No. But if you wanna play, I can teach you. That way you can participate instead of just watching."

"Thanks. But I don't think chess is my game. I didn't really know that this was a chess hangout."

"Right... You had to have. You musta seen the logo, a chess knight and queen. It matches the name plus the slogan says it all. 'Knights and Queens Bistro. Food, drinks, and chess. All day, all night.'"

"Yeah. Well, I just thought..."

"You just thought you could waltz in here and find a nice smart girl who you could sweep off her feet and take somewhere else for drinks or clubbing. You thought your knightly charm and good looks would win the night, and away you'd walk with the new queen of your heart."

"I... I... I..."

"Look. I'm not just a pretty face or just a smart girl. I've got a high IQ, a high Elo rating (that's a chess rating system, if you didn't know), and I do not fall for just any Sir Galahad. And tonight, while I appreciate the hors d'oeuvres and the sodas, I am here for the chess. I rarely lose to this poser..."

"Hey! I resemble that remark," smiled the Poser.

"...and I am not about to quit after losing that pitiful game."

"She really is all that she says she is. We're not together, because she's way out of my league. Mentally, chess-ly, and obviously physically. So you don't stand a chance friend." The Poser looked over at the would-be Sir Galahad sitting there with his mouth wide open. "Especially, since you're a mouth-breather."

The would-be Sir Galahad closed his open mouth, stood, and turned toward the counter. He paid his tab and walked out without looking back.

"You know, that was just mean." The Poser paused from setting up the board to look at his friend. "But I suppose you had it all planned out seven moves in advance when he came over to the table and asked if he could watch."

The Chess Queen smiled. "Eight. Eight moves in advance."

They both laughed.

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