Submitted by Margarita Blimm

"So, who’s going to die today?"

Write a story that begins with this question.


"So... who's dying today?" Renata swiveled in the old leather desk chair she stole from the 3rd floor.

"No list yet. Is Frank still off?" Henry looked over at his co-worker and wondered how much longer he'd have to look at her spiked hair and tired black nail polish.

"I think so. I guess we make our own list." She started to access the round filing cabinet labeled North America.

"Oh c'mon. Not that again. Can't we start somewhere more exciting?" Henry scooted his stool over to Africa.

"Sure, but you know the rules. They can be FROM Africa, but they gotta kick it in North America."

"I know. I know."

He grabbed a random file and shoved it into the scanner.

Elijah Ben Gaharidin. A card flipped out of the scanner and landed in the catch tray. 250 additional cards later they had culled at least 120 tourists in the North American continent visiting from places as far away as Friesland. The airlines would have to give discounted tickets to far more people than they expected.

"I wish we could pick out HOW they kick it. We have no creative control up here." Renata looked at the blank wall and imagined a window looking out over the Manhattan skyline. She didn't exactly miss Manhattan. But she liked the idea of it.

"Bobbie in Rework told me she gets Frank to let her pick all the time." Henry was rubber banding the stack of cards for dispatch.

"Is she blowing him? Because that old codger wouldn't let me pick the creamer I wanted for my coffee, let alone how someone was going to shuffle off their moral foil, or whatever."

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