No More Summer Breaks

"That should be fine for a little while" I sigh as I close my laptop. I look out the window of the cozy cafe I find myself in. The soft music, the aroma of fresh bread and coffee, and comforting decor always makes working in the evenings a bit more enjoyable. As I peer outside, I take in the world I see before me. The traffic is slow and quiet, and it feels like the entire planet is relaxing. The warmth of summer is in the air. Flowers that grew in the spring are now in wonderful bloom. Children play at a park across the road. Playing tag and climbing on the playground. I reminisce about those times long ago. I didn't need to worry about deadlines, or zoom meetings, or quarterly reports. The only stress I had was whose house we were going to play basketball at. "I hope they make the best of this time", I say to myself. "No more summer breaks at my age". I turn my attention to the street corner. I see four college kids waiting to cross. Looks like two young couples out on a double date. All dressed for the weather in shorts and t-shirts. I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy as I look down at my bland office attire. They head off towards the theatre. I check my watch, "Starting a movie at 8 p.m? That's a late night ahead of them!" I sit back and chuckle as I hear what I just said. "I really am getting old huh?" My mind wanders back to my time at their age, excited for the summer. Vacations, days at the pool, fun summer jobs. I snap back as an employee asks if I want a refill on my coffee. I say yes and thank her. I let out one more sigh as I boot up the laptop again. "Yup, no more summer breaks for me".

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