Write a fantasy story based around the last message you sent to a friend.
The Fantasy genre typically contains magic, supernatural or mythological elements.
Claws And Chaos
_“To my brother, who let me steal— ahem… I mean use his characters.”_
_Last Text: Rowdy Cat_
_"ZAKE?" _
He knew he was in trouble the moment he heard the voice. The game was up.
In a flash, he leaped off the couch. The TV remote clattered onto the ground, blowing out his cover.
With a swift motion, he transformed into a sleek black cat and darted under the couch, his soft paws quiet over the wooden floor. His heart pounded waiting for the turmoil to brew upstairs.
"If you're trying to hide, it's not gonna work!" His brother thundered as his dreaded footsteps thumped on the stairs, each louder and closer than the previous.
Zake's fur stood on end as he saw Hunter's black socks reaching the bottom of the stairs. The air felt electric. He closed his eyes, suddenly wishing he also had the power to turn invisible.
His brothers legs veered to the left, out of his limited view space. His ears perked up, straining for any aggressive footsteps. Nothing.
_huh? _He thought to himself. _Gave up already?_
He flicked his tail in satisfaction, proud of his escape.
Just then, he felt fingers grabbing him around his feline fur coat and he was swooped back, out into the light.
"Got you." Hunter frowned.
"mwerrrrrr" He dug his claws deep into his hands.
He yelped and Zake was let go immediately. He landed at Hunter’s legs and sprinted off under the coffee table and towards the corridor.
“HA-HA-HA!!” He laughed, celebrating his sweet victory.
Suddenly his paws halted. His running slowed to a pause. He froze. He did not want to move. He wanted to turn back. He slowly turned around and walked back where he was sprinting from.
Hunter knelt in front of him, his hands stretched, ready to pick him up. Zake pounced into his arms. He wanted to. Hunter’s bright green eyes bore into him, glowing with intensity as of all his anger had been channeled through them. He closed his eyes and opened them back again, this time, the glow gone.
Zake felt as if he’s been suddenly snapped out of drowsiness.
“NO!” He hissed.
Why did he get to manipulate people!?
“_You _tore my shirt!”
“Serves you right, old man!”
“That’s it!” Hunter began walking towards his room, “You’re going into the tub.”
Zake squirmed in his arms. In an instant, he poofed into his 10 year old human-self.
Hunter stumbled forward, overwhelmed by the sudden change of weight.
This was his opening.
Zake leapt off and darted away.
He was too slow.
Hunter's arms grabbed him from the back, lifting him up.
“Oh no you don't!" Hunter strained under his weight.
Zake hopelessly kicked his legs in the air. He _hated_ being short.
“LET— GO! YOU OLD MAN!” With that, he poofed into his feline form, yowling more ferociously than his size.
“Think about it. Last Chance, Zake.” Hunter’s grip tightened as he held Zake above thé water. “It’s either the apology or you’re turning into a wet mop.”
“I’d rather drown.” Said Zake, accepting his fate and ready to be martyred.
Hunter sighed. “Alright, you called for this.”
His grip loosened and down the Martyr plummeted, splashing into the water.