Magic Unfolding

My name is Ace, and I am not a magician.

This is something I have convinced myself of my whole life. Something I know to be true now.

Whenever I try to use my magic powers in this strange world we live in, I do something completely opposite of what I hoped to happen. As a member of the F-ranked magician's guild (which is not even a guild, it's just what they classify those of us too terrible at magic to even deserve a spot in one), I have never had one successful mission go the way planned.

You may think "Oh, that makes sense. Nothing ever goes as planned." But that is not what I am trying to say. When I say nothing, I mean NOTHING. Last week, I was assigned by the Great Magician's Association (GMA) to help other teammates - many of whom I have never met - to put out a roaring fire on the other side of town.

I remember that day clearly, when my friend flew us to the spot with her flying powers. I was in awe of her control - I mean, what else could I expect from a B-ranker? But as soon as we get there, I realize there are no water-control magicians. How else should the fire be put out?

I knew I had no choice. Now you may be wondering what my magic type is - but don't get your hopes up. It's not that everyone else specializes and I'm a jack of all trades. I am more so a master of none, and BIG emphasis on the none. In other words, I am simply too poor to even attempt to specialize in any one class of magic. When I try to focus on water magic, it is fire that spits out of my fingertips. I am sure you can imagine how stressful even trying to train my magic powers can be.

This puts me at such a disadvantage. How else can I train the way others do when everything I do is the opposite? It makes it impossible to get any better and progress the way my classmates from elementary school did.

Ah. I hate this feeling. The feeling of being left behind.

Left behind by my peers.

Left behind by my family.

Left behind by the world.


I stand there staring at the fire before my eyes. I can see my teammates working hard to put the fire out, but I don't even feel the slightest inkling of motivation. Instead, I hear the same words running in and out of my ears. I know I shouldn't be thinking them. I know how terrible it is for me to be thinking these things.

But I don't care.

They say some people want to watch the world burn. But that is not me.

I wiill buurn it myself.


I start screaming the word, as if it will make it happen. BURN THE WORLD DOWN is all I can think. My eyes red, my face steaming. My teammates don't even notice a word I am saying - that's how insignificant I am.

A man with no aura. I may have been born into this strange world of magic. But I know how powerless I am.

Let it burn.

I extend my arms out to make the fire stronger - as if that would make the slightest difference. I can't even control them. Why are my arms raised? I can't even answer. All I feel is this uncontrollable rage. At myself. At everything.


That was the last sound I heard before I passed out. Next thing I know, I am in a hospital bed.

Phew, I let out. Nothing seems to be broken. But how did I end up here?

A couple of strange men wearing purple colored suits and ski goggles walk into the room. Who could they possibly be? That's when the stars on their suit hit me - its the GMA!

They inform me that apparently I let out a wave of water so big that it doused the fire in half of a second. So big, it even started a mini flood, which took its own league of magicians to undo. They say they have never seen a magic output so strong from anyone before.

I sit there in shock. No way that could have been me. Maybe it was one of my teammates?

I am deeply lost in thought when an old man appears out of nowhere. But he's not just any old man - this one has extreme aura. His bulky stature frightens me.

He introduces himself as the leader of the GMA. Wait... what? THE LEADER???

I will never forget this moment. The moment my life changed forever.

He tells me that my power was unforgettable. He wants to know why I've been pretending to be an F ranker my whole life. So I tell him everything. About how I can never do anything right. How this world has forsaken me.

I can still feel the tears rushing down my face. When I look up, I remember how surprised I was to see what I saw. He was laughing! Laughing uncontrollably!!

I looked around and saw the other two GMA suits, and I could tell they were faking their laughs. I guess we were all scared by the impressive power output coming from the old man.

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