What a tourist attraction.

“Oh- well… Sorry.”


They ran out and away from the cave in the side of the volcano. Smoke trailing behind them. Chasing them down the tunnel.

“Oof!” She tripped and fell. She looked behind her only to see the lava. It had finally started to rise up to the cave entrance.

“Oh no.” She said in a rather weird way.

He grabbed her wrist and yanked her up. They began to run again. “Should I leave her?” He thought. Her clumsiness could lead to his demise. He could leave her to fend for herself and easily escape on his own. But it would be it really be worth it. It would be as if he killed her himself. How could he live with that?

“We’re nearing the exit!” He shouted. Holding his the collar of his shirt bunched up over his nose, to avoid breathing the smoke. She had copied this action after he yanked her off the ground, and she looked at him. The lava was starting to spill into the tunnel.

She looked back, then forward. Back, then forward. She opened her mouth to say something of the sort of, “Just leave me!”, “Me living won’t change the course of history or anything!” But before she could he said “Don’t even think about it!”

They had about fifteen feet of a stretch and the lava was gaining of them. The smoke becoming evermore intense. It became so thick they could barely see. As they made it to the exit she began to unbundle her shirt collar, that she had also been holding to her nose. Before she could he grabbed her hand that was holding it and forced it back onto her face.

“ARE YOU TRYING TO SUFFOCATE?” He shouted, muffled of course under his shirt.

“But we’re outside.” She replied, muffled.

He let out a groan. He then pulled her down the mountain. The ran as fast as they could. As of right now they probably could have made it halfway to the bottom. Back in the tunnel the lava was starting to the exit. As it got outside, gravity pulled it down hill. Lava spilled from different holes pattered all across the mountain. They ran and ran until he looked back to see they were back where they began. Except now they had a faster means of escape. He pointed to the right and they began to run in that direction but still down. They saw the lava run past on the path that they had just left.

They’d dodged many obstacles, but they were not yet out of the woods.

As they reached the bottom they felt a bit of relief. A release of tension. But of course, it is false. If they don’t find shelter soon, the rain of ash from the volcano could be their demise. They frantically searched the woods for any sign of shelter before they came upon a cave. Whether it was enough shelter, they didn’t know. But a cave right now was as good as anything. They had run out of time and they could see the eruption in the distance. The volcano blew its hot breath, it released its poison to the air. The shockwave came soon, and the forest stood silent. They wouldn’t dare make a sound.

Hours later, she asked “Is it over?”

“I don’t know.” He replied. “I’ll go see soon.”

“That was some tourist attraction.”

“Yeah. I guess. Some tourist attraction.”

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