You can't run

I ran and ran as fast I could. My legs regretting their every step. They just wanted to help me and yet, I pushed them away. My lantern in hand, illuminating the darkness around me. I looked around desperately for somewhere to escape, but everywhere I looked, it was pitch black. I could only hope that my body would take me safely. Until, I slipped. The lantern broke and it's light faded. I couldn't see anything. I felt a tight grip on my hand that pulled me forward. ''Don't worry, you're okay,'' a voice whispered gently. I had wandered blindly through trees under the night sky. I soon felt the tight grip slipping from my fingers. I stumbled to the ground and glanced up to see. Destruction, war and bloodshed. Beings killing each other. Children screaming as they watch their parents bodies being ripped to shreds. I covered my face with my hands, unable to see the gruesome affair in front of me. Civilisations being destroyed in the blink of an eye. I dropped to knees and saw the whole world had split into eight nations.

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