Submitted by Atlas

She didn't look up from the cracks in the sidewalk, nor did she turn down her street to go home. Instead, she just kept walking.

Write a story about a character attempting to vanish.


Every day felt as heavy as the previous one, her body feeling heavier, weaker, the cane she was using to walk looked worse every day, always more used, the tip becoming dirty and the gems on top of it always hazy because of how she held it. Her eyelids were closing on her way to her house, the cracked pavement was such a eyesore to her and she couldn't do anything, it had been cracked for 52 days, which was unusual because the government should have already fixed it long ago, it usually took less then two weeks, but no, not this time.

As she closed the door behind herself she feels her body collapsing, she holds herself up barely, her legs hurt, her arms shake as they try to hold her up, she needs to get to bed fast. So she stumbles forward, with shaking legs and pained arms. Only once she reaches her bed she lets her body fall, everything is painful, her head is throbbing, no one is around and the road is quiet just like her house, yet everything feels out of place, she had her everyday clothes in bed, she has her hair still up, her cane is on the ground, discarded without care, yet she manages to close her eyes, if this where to be her last night she wouldn't mind it, no one would really care after all

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