Write a short story exploring a character who is always meticulously organised.

A pencil out of place.

"I still don't see what the big deal is, Sebastian." Luke said. He never did. Sebastian watched as Luke walked slowly across the office carpet, his eyes scanning for anything out of place in what could only be described as a truly ordinary room. "Are you really saying something changed in here? How would you even spot that?" He said with a sigh.

Sebastian shook his head in disappointment and motioned to three pencils lined up on the desk in front of him. "This is proof." He said, finality laced his voice.

"This..?" Luke said, furrowing a brow.

"Yes, this! Don't you see! The numbers are not pointing up!" Sebastian said, horror painted on his face.

"The... numbers?" Luke asked.

"Yes! Every night before I leave work I make sure that each pencil is placed with the number facing up! Is that not obvious?" Sebastian said, his brows knitting.

"Listen, Seb. Maybe you just didn't notice before you left last night?" Luke said. The exhaustion on his face from his morning commute and lack of coffee slowly faded to exasperation.

"Impossible!" Sebastian howled, walking briskly out from behind the desk, but making sure to not bump or jostle anything placed neatly on its surface. "I would never leave such filth uncleaned! There is something going on here, Luke! Someone has been inside my office!"

Luke pinched his nose and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "Seb," He started, walking over to the desk and gently rolling the two pencils that were not number side up into their proper orientation before settling back and turning towards the door. "if it's really bothering you then all you have to do is leave them like that, right? And if you come back later and they've moved you know something's up." he said with a shrug. They had known each other for a decade at this point, and he had learned quickly that Sebastian's eccentricities were not a battle worth fighting.

At the very least, Sebastian seemed to take to the idea. "I do suppose that is a sound hypothesis, but for a true test we must increase the sample size!" Sebastian said, pulling a brand new pack of number two pencils from a cabinet and laying them down in sets of three on every surface in the office. Each one aligned perfectly with the others next to them.

"There!" He finally said, walking over to join his friend who looked desperate to leave the small, windowless office behind. "This time there will be no doubt!"

Finally content to leave, Sebastian allowed Luke to lead the pair of them over to the door. Luke reached over and flicked off the light to the room, leaving only the fluorescent glow of the room outside to pour in under the door. Luke reached for the door handle but his motion stopped short and he lurched to a halt.

The sound of numerous pencils each rolling from one side to another cut through the now dark room. Both Sebastian and Luke turned back towards the source of the sound, however they saw nothing but the familiar empty room. Luke was the first to turn back, his breath caught in his throat. As he reached his hand out towards the light, the door was nowhere to be seen.

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