The Clans of the Mystic Forest

((((100th WRITING!!!))))

Chapter 1

Two young vampires, Dove and Raven, Raven being a newly bitten vampire with curly black hair, while Dove being a vampire for life with soft white hair, were sitting in the small, wooden cottage in their clan.

Dove was sitting on the edge of her bed, listening to Raven ramble questions off at her.

“So, we can shapeshift into bats, right?” Raven asked, her inky curls bouncing as she ran her finger on the side of her neck; where she had been bitten just two days ago, and was transformed into a vampire.

“A common misconception, actually. We vampires can shapeshift into many different animals.” Dove replied, swinging her legs as she sat on the bed. “Bats are actually a hard form to master.”

Raven took that as a challenge, lifting her chin high and speaking in a cocky tone. “I’m sure it’s not that hard! I’ll try!”

She closed her eyes and pictured herself as a fluffy black bat flying across a midnight sky. She could feel herself changing as she stood in front of Dove.

When she opened her silver eyes again, she was a…hamster? Dove was laughing, clearly amused that Raven’s cocky attitude didn’t work out too well for her.

“I told you!” Dove smirked, wiping a tear from laughter from her eye. “You’re a cute hamster, though.” Dove said, looking down at the now tiny, fluffy Raven.

Raven grumbled, pouting slightly and quickly changed back into her vampire form, sitting next to Dove on the bed.

“So, what animals can you change into, Dove?” Raven questioned, looking at Dove with curiosity in her eyes.

“Well, being a pureblood vampire, which is rare these days, I can change any animal non-pureblood vampires can, but with white fur instead of black. Not all pureblood vampires are like that though, I’m actually fairly rare.” Dove said, her blue eyes shining as she spoke with pride.

Then, Dove transformed into a beautiful white cat, with sharp claws and soft ears. “This form is my favorite form, it helps me—“ Dove was cut off by a loud knock on the door, and she quickly changed back into her vampire form.

“Hello…Hazel? What are you doing here?!” Dove growled as she opened up the door.

In front of her stood a young, slender, dark skinned girl with fluffy gray wolf ears and sharp fangs. Her tail twitched side to side nervously and her gaze was down as she spoke to the teenage vampire.

“I’m sorry for intruding, Dove, but the Werewolf Clan needs your help! Our allies, and yours, the Kitsune Clan, are being attacked by the Selkie Clan!” Hazel barked, her voice trembling with worry.

Dove could hear the fear in the werewolf’s tone, and gave a reluctant sigh, motioning for Raven to get off the bed and come next to her.” Fine, we’ll help you, but don’t think this makes us ‘friends.’ We’re only doing this for the Kitsune Clan.”

Hazel nodded hastily, and led Dove out of the small cottage they were in, and into the sun. Dove shuddered slightly, she wasn’t a fan of the sun, but the legends were false. They wouldn’t shrivel up in the sun, they just aren’t huge fans of it.

Dove looked around the Clan, seeing several other vampires and werewolves gathered around to listen to their leaders.

The Vampire leader, Scarlet, was a pureblood like Dove, with glowing red eyes and some of the sharpest fangs Dove had seen.

The Alpha of the werewolves, Tooth, was a tall, strong man, with dark skin and yellow eyes. His hair was black with streaks of white, swooped to the side.

“This is a…temporary alliance while we save the Kitsunes.” Tooth growled. He was in wolf form, his fur long and glossy as he stood in the sun.

Next, Scarlet spoke. “Let’s go, its still morning and the Selkie clan with be tired since its early, our perfect time to strike. And for you my vampires, please change into your wolf form, it’s best to stay blent in.”

Dove and all of the vampires quickly changed into their wolf form, almost all of them as black as midnight, except for Dove and a few others, who were white.

Raven struggled to shapeshift into the right form, but after much effort, she finally mastered it.

Scarlet gave a small bark for her clan to follow her into the woods, and Tooth did the same.

Raven felt a lump in her throat as she marched in the woods, staying close to Dove. She felt a bit scared; would she be ready to fight her first battle as a vampire? The last thing she wanted was to let her new Clan down.

Dove gave Raven a small nudge, concern etched on her face. “Hey, are you okay?” Dove asked, her voice soft and smooth as her fur sparkled in the sun.

Raven gulped slightly, “I-I’m fine, I just don’t want to let my Clan down…” She mumbled, her gaze drifted to her gray-black paws.

Dove used her soft white tail to lift Raven’s chin up. “You’ll do great, I have faith in you.”


I HAVE HIT 100 WRITINGS AND DIDNT REALIZE UNTIL AFTER I POSTED THIS! IM SO EXCITED! Can you believe it? I know it seems like nothing to some, but I’m so proud of myself! :D

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