Submitted by Maranda Quinn

'I am made entirely of flaws, stitched together by good intentions.'

Write a poem which begins with this line.

Selfish Thoughts

You wouldn't care

you wouldn't give a damn if I died

If I died today you'd forget about me in less than a year,

besides the Snippets of things that make you remember me.

I am a fleeting thing of your past and I know you will never remember me

For who I was but

for what I've done

And whether it be ginormous or Nothing All of you will forget about me

and I don't know if I care

Because I would be dead.

Either in the ground or in a vase

above someone's head

It doesn't matter

not to me


I was never meant for this world

I was never meant for more

But please don't call the police

Don't call the hospital because they can't help me

because I will always have 5 minutes to drink some alcohol.

I don't care how you see this poem.

I don't care if you think it's a cry for help. I'll tell you right here what this poem is this is what I tell myself.

No hidden meaning,

No righteous, or just.

This is just the thoughts that plague me like a mouse.

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