


Write a crime report from a fantasy world using these three words.

The Fae in the Fountain

"Give me an analysis of the crime scene," said Captain Wulph. His coffee remained untouched on his desk, which was unusual. Usually, he had three cups by the time he walked into the office, and another once he sat down. But, given the circumstances of the death in this new case file, nobody would have an appetite for weeks. Someone was targeting the Fae - even just finding one was not an easy task - a serial killer was on the loose, and had Fae wings on the menu.

"This is the third Fae we've found in just two weeks," said Detective Vamp. "Like the others, her wings had been...uh, chewed off."

"Jesus," said the Captain. "Any sign of poison?"

"Yes," said Vamp. He showed his superior a photo of the victim's mouth at the crime scene. While her head had been underwater, the skin around her mouth was stained with a green substance. "It's the same substance as the other two victims. Likely, the liquid will be found in her lungs, almost like she inhaled it."

"We need constant surveillance in and around all night clubs in the area," said Wulph. "Whoever this maniac is, he's going to strike again. His hunger won't let him idle."

"Already on it, sir. Detectives have been scattered across the Bay, two to each club. I'll be stationed at the Broken Arrow with Detective Hunter."

The Captain nodded. "Good work. I'll get the Mayor on the phone and have him warn all the Fae in the area to not travel alone and carry protection. Let's catch this bastard."

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