Write a story from the perspective of an immortal pet as it is passed down through a family's generations.
Midnight. Black. Star. Mister. Moon. Shadow. Spook. Raven. Onyx. Names. Families. Life. I don't want to be here. I don't want to leave. I don't want to feel. But I do. From house to house. Person to person. Life to life. I felt happiness at my creation, but time went on, I got lonely. Someone found me, my first owner. I felt overwhelming joy, happiness, belonging. But they left, the first of many. Gone in no words. Alone, they laid. I was isolated for hours, days, then decades, and centuries. I wasn't alone but it felt stronger than any physical capabilities. I felt sadness for the first time. When I tried to love again I got hurt again. I didn't want them to be hurt, I act, I cuddle, lick, let them feed me, let them have a shoulder to cry on. I wish I had one. A friend. One to always be there. These humans come and go, not staying for long. I walk out of the house, into the woods. I leave, the thing I've been waiting to do for so long. They will be sad but humans forget after a few days. I walk day and night. Past forests where shadows whispered, oceans that seems endless. Mountains that stood silent, and cities that hummed with lives I will never know. I find a clearing, larger then I ever come across. A white silhouette in the center. White light everywhere. Brightness. Vivid light leaving spots in my eyes. Darkness, yet the light echoes in my eyes a little longer. A fox, a white fox, with tails, a lot of them.
"I've been looking for you. Waiting."
The first time I met another creature with the ability to talk to me directly. I was scared but they were a friend.
"Greetings. Who are you?" I say toneless, numb from emotion.
"You might not have forgotten. I am your first owner. I want you to know; you will find someone. When you do don't let go. Feelings are something you have; don't let them control you." The fox cautioned.
"When I tried to love again I got hurt" But there was no one there to listen. Still, I will try again. I will find someone. I will not let my profound emotions hurt me anymore. I will not let them control me.
"I won't let my fear guide me." I whispered. The words felt heavier than I expected. For the first time in millenniums, I allowed the weight of the words to settle in me. The force of truth made them feel almost physical. I have been a prisoner to my own mind, bound by cycles of loss and loneliness. But now I want to change. I want to choose a different path.
The pain doesn't go away. I can't pretend it does. I won't hide from it anymore. I will face it. I will try again. It's going to be rough. It's going to be difficult. It will be painful. But I will push through it. I will embrace it, no matter how excruciating.
I have a goal. A reason. Hope. And now I know what I must do. I will find someone. And when I do, I will hold on. I am ready.