Subtmitted by Hollow Oaks

A girl who was raised in an all-female society goes out to see the rest of the world.

The new world

A girl who was raised in a society of women ventured out into a world of men for the first time. She looked around curiously, having never seen anyone with a beard or short hair like the men she encountered. This world was very different from what she had expected. In her female-only society, she had been trained in self-defense and martial arts to protect herself from men.

In that female society, men were labeled as beasts and lustful creatures who didn’t know how to respect women. To her surprise, the men she saw were not like that at all. They didn’t even seem to notice her existence. Everyone was weighed down by their own burdens and tensions.

As she explored the town, she noticed that men had been misrepresented in her society. The men she encountered offered her help when she seemed lost, some even asked if she needed assistance or where her parents were. They treated her politely, making her question the beliefs she had been taught. However, she also encountered some men who fit the negative image she had been warned about, reminding her why her all-female society had come into existence in the first place.

When she returned to her society, she shared her surprising experiences, telling everyone that not all men were bad. Many were polite, caring, and friendly, challenging the fears that had shaped their beliefs.

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