Submitted by L. R. Haven

The Scars on Our Hearts

Write a poem which could have this as the title.

when we met

we met at a time

when our brains were still fresh

moulded by lectures and deadlines

filled with techniques and tricks of the trade

our art shaped by teachers and peers

thoughts overflowing with criticism

we met at a time

when we didn't know what we liked

much less who we were

stuck in the intermediate of

old enough to know better

young enough to not know how

we met at a time

when our boundaries were none

where we didn't know how to say





things shouldn't be this way

when we thought we were always wrong

the words of our loved ones

sculpting every bit of our lives

we met at a time

when we were both grieving

not for the loss of them

but for the loss of ourselves

and the pain they inflicted

upon our compassionate souls

we met at a time

when we were ready for change

not just to support others

but to be supported ourselves

when we were ready to heal

the scars on our hearts

and begin anew

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